Friday, October 22, 2010

Two-Way Communication

Most of the time at work, the torpor and ennui that starts to percolate in small amounts at the beginning of the day becomes an overwhelming deluge by mid-afternoon. The tide is sometimes stemmed by a call to my fellow 'in-houser', Jac. Don't know why, but I found the last conversation kind of funny in an understated kind of way...

Jac: Oh hello..Wait.. What the f*&#!
Me: Eh?
Jac: Stuff just landed on my table. Do you know my company's adopting a cotton tree in the zoo?
Me: Cool. I guess you can make your own uniforms from now on-
Jac: And in the Bird Park, we're adopting a spiked Hornbill...
Me: Hey I like hornbills. I think they're cute-
Jac: And I have to go through all the adoption documents!
Me: There was actually a hornbill tour when I went to Sabah this year. Should have gone...
Jac: Why do we adopt shit like this?
Me: The proboscis monkey in Sabah is the best though...
Jac: And why are there so many documents for this stupid tree? Hey, my boss is calling.
Me: Mine's only looking. But we should go. Thanks for talking to me.
Jac: No problem. Bye.

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