Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It's been a mad month. So much has happened since the last post. February has flown by yet at the same time taken an eternity to get through.

Things look to be getting harder.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Farewell Lunch

Hello everybody. Sorry for not posting for the whole of January. The truth is that I have been busy and haev had things on my mind.

Not least of all, I will soon be leaving what has been a superb workplace to explore an opportunity in the banking sector. I was really torn about moving. There were times after coming to the decision when I had the sudden urge to pull out of it and stay where I was comfortable and happy with the best group of colleagues one could ever hope to find. In the end, however, I think that we must all stick to the decisions we have made for ourselves, though I will never forget this place (and will always dream deep down of returning one day).

Anyhow, my colleagues chose my second last day to bring me out for lunch at a restaurant near Amoy.

I've been for quite a few of my colleagues' farewell lunches so at first this felt like any other - and then I recognised it was mine and I just felt so sad... Anyway, these were my colleagues who were present at the lunch....

And the lunch... Pig's leg...

Egg with bitter gourd....

Yong Tau Foo....

French beans with chilli....

Salted chicken...

Spicy sotong...

Fish in sour sauce...

A Hakka special, this one... Don't know what it's called but it's fried balls of yam with mushrooms....

And a dessert of apricot in syrup...

I would have described the food more but it hardly matters to me. What matters is that I will be leaving this bunch of wonderful people... Who include my bosses, Wah Fook and Mrs Chang either side of Irene, to whom I sit (soon to be sat) next to...

Thank you to all my colleagues (including those who were not at the lunch) who have made my stay at MSIG a fantastic one. You will always be in my heart.

And to the kind souls who seemed quite happy to pay for the meal...

I think I'll go cry somewhere now....