Thursday, October 27, 2011

NUS MBA Business Study Trip To Korea - Wednesday Part 1

After a good sleep, I was more settled in the morning than on previous days and so was remembered to snap photographs of the hotel room. You can tell that Joel and I had settled down nicely into our temporarty abode by then....

Our visit this morning was to e-bay Korea, which was in the financial district, and a building that was owned by our very own Temasek Holdings (cool!). Clearly, this would be an interesting visit, given that Korea is one of the most wired countries in the world.

This is the conference room.

And the array of refreshments that they, like so many other host companies, had thoughtfully laid out for us....

I do not know why but it seems that a lot of the Korean companies are obsessed with having a room (conference, at the very least) with a view....

After a very interesting session where we analysed and debated the differences between the Korean and Singaporean e-markets, we were given a tour of the premises...

Oh, did you know that e-bay Korea now owns G-Market as well?

This is the ops room, where they track traffic and all sorts of other diagnostics and metrics....

Lunch was free and easy and we all headed up for one of the side streets in the area, where we found some interesting buildings...

After a lively debate, a few of us, nicknamed "the thrifties", settled on a small joint which advertised the lowest prices on their placard facing the street. It turned out to be rather impressive, which is why all of us were quite keen to snap away...

And we had fresh sliced beef to be cooked in broth over a fire...

And also tofu soup... (I don't know why all my pictures of this dish are blurred... My camera doesn't take well to orange? Or the soup reflects and/or refracts and/or diffuses the light in a way which my apparatus does not like? Or most probably it is me, luddite, that does not know how to adjust the settings.)

And all the usual extras that are found in any respectable Korean restaurant, like cold noodles....

A good first half then, which set us up nicely for the afternoon...

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