Saturday, October 22, 2011

NUS MBA Business Study Trip To Korea - Tuesday Part 2

The next stop on our field trip was LS Nikko Copper Smelting factory, which was a couple of 100 kilometres away. The people at LS Nikko very graciously arranged for a bus to send us to their factory, which was in Ulsan.

They even arranged for us to have a very sumptious lunch in a restaurant near the Posco factory. This is Aaron and I having a shoot-out.

After the satisfactory repast, it was time to catch up on some shut-eye during the coach ride. We did have opportunity to strecth our legs and see what a Korean highway pitstop looked like...

From the outside....

And the inside. I think it's very cool that they have a free internet room....

Where it was especially useful for us was in providing us with fresh supplies (hearty lunch notwithstanding)...

LS Nikko Copper Smelter
The sky was rather overcast when we arrived at our destination, which meant it was a little chilly outside...

But that was in direct contrast to the welcome we got from the top executives of the company, who were patiently waiting for us in the compound although we were a little late. Led by an alumni of the NUS EMBA program, they then gave us a very interesting presentation on the history and aims of their factory.

We were then invited on a tour of the factory, before which we were issued with some cool, cool gear....

As was the case with the Posco Steel factory, we were not allowed to take pictures in the factory proper. That didn't deter some of my trip-mates, who got some absolutely fabulous shots, which makes me, the law-abiding tourist, somewhat regret my inclinations, which meant that I only managed to get a shot of some of the final products - in this case, copper slabs...

Trip back to Seoul was by speed train, which, if I recall correctly, travels at speeds of more than 300km. This is the station from which we departed.

And the interior of the train, inside which we had our dinner which we had taken away from a restaurant at the station...

Call me provincial but I think it was so cool (how many times have I used that word in this piece?) that the disposable utensils came with an attached toothpick...

And that was about it for the day, as we returned to our hotel looking forward to the next day....

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