So I'll just put it somewhat obliquely, matter-of-factly, wrapped up in another piece about a trip I made.
In July 2014, during a routine ultra-sound scan, it was detected that the cancer had spread to my liver. After a Radio-frequency Ablation to remove the nodule, we went to the States to discuss further options.
First up was a trip to the Cleveland Clinic, where I had treatment for my eye a year earlier.
Walked around at night in the open field near the First Energy Stadium. They were having some kind of celebration I think, perhaps in anticipation of the upcoming Gay Games, hence the laser beams.
After that, we headed to New York, where I tried to but failed to get an appointment with the Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Centre. I did get to go to Broadway though. The lights and energy were a lift to spirits, and perhaps hope.