Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Year

It has been just about a year since I last posted regularly. How does one even begin to describe how different I felt. It feels like just yesterday and at the same time eons away.

Back in December 2011, my life had some modicum of stability. Sure there was uncertainty - there always is - about the future but at least I knew what I wanted. A year ago, I was snug in my job of four years, having just finished a highly impressive first semester of my MBA programme. Since then, I have been to new countries (and continents), done new things and had new insights. But mostly, I was in a rut, stationary and perhaps moving backwards. And oh yes, I have since changed jobs twice (the first is documented in one of my earlier posts, the second not so - both experiences were painful). Routines which I comfortably took for granted are no more.

I guess life is like a blog. You have to work on it for hits to come your way. Sometimes you get knocked down and you decide to take a break and then you tell yourself you'll get back but you never do. And then much later you tell yourself you really, really must get back but then you realise how long it's been and you see how many things have changed and you feel discouraged and you tell yourself "another day", when you're feeling strong. But then if you were habitually feeling strong things wouldn't have come to this, would they. So you wait. "One day when I have really nothing to do, you tell yourself". And it goes on and on, for you can always think of something to do (though often times it is hardly as productive, merely a convenient excuse)....

But one day, one night more likely, there is nothing but silence. You don't feel like turning on the TV and all your books are read. You want to google something but the predictive text leads you to blogger and you figure... At least write something to fill the space ya?

So here it is/was. A space filler. As I said, life is like a blog. You need to work on it. But sometimes you let it go blank for days, other times you churn something, ramble on to fill the space, to pass the time. And on and on.................
You know, I would really want to let all of you readers who still read (the existence of which is a big and tenuous assumption) know what has happened in the year, maybe show some pictures and stuff. Thing is... I have been away for so long, the format of has changed. I'm not sure I know how to upload pictures anymore.

Just like life innit? You let things go, let yourself go and you find that things have moved on without you... Till next time!

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